Saturday, July 7, 2007

Spring Lake - July 27th and 28th

Everybody set their schedules right now. Friday July 27th we're headed to Spring Lake in the early evening around 5:30 PM. We'll be spending the night there, kids too. There will be plenty of games and we'll be having dinner. We'll have the laser-guns there too if any adults want to play.

If you can come or are thinking of coming, or can't come, or only coming for dinner, or only for breakfast, post it here. That way we can get a head count for the food and beds.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Shoot 'em all

Well, I know Paul had some fun, he talks about it all the time at work. It was a blast, but I think it might scare some of the BYU students. They are pretty loud. The guns too. What day should we plan on? I'll be busy through the sixth and on the tenth, but any time other than that is free right now. Unless I go to a school in Missouri for USMC activation training, then I'll be gone most of July. Let me know. Oh, I'm also busy on the 21st because Cam's little sister is getting married.

Change of Venue

Instead of going up the canyon to play guns this summer, I think it would be a lot more fun to get decked out in Camo and run around BYU campus shooting the bajeeziz out of each other.

What do ya say D? Have we got a date slated for that yet?

What are everyone's travel schedules this summer? We'll be back for nearly all of July and hope to see everyone.... well most of you.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

OP-4 Sports

Holy Crap! You're all missing out if you don't come and shoot my awesome laser guns Monday at 11:00...too bad for you in China, India and lame parts of the Iowa, California and Nevada.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

Over the weekend Julie's entire family and I visited Howe, Idaho where Julie grew up. It is a small farming community where Julie's grandpa and uncles still live and operate a massive dairy farm. Believe me, there are plenty of things to do on the farm: Shotguns, 4 wheelers, tractors, and bus rides. Bus rides you say? For whatever reason, the farm purchased an old school bus that is only used twice a year - when the city folks visit. The first picture shows Taylor operating the bus door and in the other pictures I'm driving the bus (Julie is seated directly behind the driver's seat). HEY! Who threw that? I'll turn this bus around. That'll end your PRECIOUS little field trip pretty quick, eh?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hoorah Devils!

Well boys...

I guess I didn't do enough yelling the first time.
They called me up. I'll be back in the Marine Corps for another year beginning in October.

Semper Fidelis

Sgt. Derek Heaston
"The Warden"